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But that's not important.
A bit of totally mindless funfun, if you would say so.
Anyway... wow. After playing countless hours of Championship Manager, which I must say has been a TOTAL blast, I finally decide to pop in a bit of KOTOR.
I now have come to the conclusion that no more Champman for me.
Seriously, KOTOR is, in a word, FANTASTIC. I dunno what to say, really. Words somewhat fail me. All I do know is that I'm really excited to be roleplaying. I'm really excitied to bring forth the character I want to portray, which I haven't ever managed in other games like BG or NWN. It's not a matter of having less options this time and hence an easier time. It's all the matter of actually knowing what kinda kick-ass jedi you want to be.
And my character doesn't even know about the whole Jedi thing yet. Gambling games which involve fun, getting light side points each time you help the downtrodden or dark side points, how the points system affects your character portrait... It's all so immersive. I've never felt so immersed, other than, perhaps, fallout, in an RPG. Wow. Really. Character development is even better... you know how your aides in BG bicker, same as for fallout? It's here too, and now they actually become full cutscenes in a sense. And you can prod them on to bicker even more. Whee! (Note: I've never played much BG so don't go comparing my experience.)
I've dabbled in RPGs quite a bit in the past few years, from Anachronox (stopped playing once I got too riddled with quests) to the Japanese Learning RPG, Slime Forest, to NWN and of course Fallout. KOTOR has met all that I required of it. I am back to proper RPGing again. I am rather pleased with myself, that's for sure.
And of course, no gaming is complete without some good old adventure gaming. I'm glad Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars is giving me good respite against the stress of combat and/or managing a team, for a whole different stress level altogether. The good thing is it's so well written that you just want more. And it's simple enough to have you rattle your brains without resorting to a walkthru. I've resorted to it once. I feel like a bad boy already. (insert perfunctury laughing sound)
Geriatric badminton... not a good idea. I still ache BAD. Sitting down gives me cramps. I am incapacitated. Walking to the phone is a bad idea, and so is leaving my chair in front of the computer (all the better to play games with I say). I shall start getting fat again. But if anybody were to request another round of geriatric badminton I wouldn't mind at all.
It's Christmas time, so Marry Christmas all you readers. I must say it's still a stressful time (especially since bidding is on)... and just the other night, as I was singing War on Drugs to myself on the limp home, I walk into 7-11 for a new paper and... over the speakers, piping in, a mournful voice pleading, "we are all changing". Apt, apt indeed. Sometimes walking home, or taking the bus home alone gives you lots of time for yourself (if you're not reading or sleeping) and sometimes you just get back to thinking... what went wrong where. This time, however, it was how I've seen so many people change around me... so many of them come to new conclusions and new directions to take themselves in. We are all, definately, changing.
But yet, here I am, still the same. The same old me. I even look the same. So, if you've just gotten to know me, it might as well have been that you've known me forever. And a day.
But that, of course, isn't true. *smirk*