I really like runaways. I really do. It's fantastic stuff. Runaways is good. Go read runaways. And look at
this art: SWEET. It's not but the usual suspect (Alphona I think his name is) but hey it's sweet. It's my favourite kind, nice, bold lines and very dynamic. And shading isn't crosshatched but good old (new) computer shading. I like the colours. Takeshi Miyazawa ain't half bad!

You are the verbal virtuose that we would all like
to be. You read a lot and write effortlessly
and well. Everyone is waiting for your novel!
What kind of blogger are you? brought to you by Quizilla
From Pete's blog (see the linky link over there? I have linky links.) I find this extremely funny. Yes siree, wait for my novel, but in the meantime, why doncha all just give me some money up front, you know, as payment for my great Singaporean novel. I think I'll something close to all of us, like the story of Sang Nila Utama. Musangpura!!!!!!!! (And those of you who know my old blog, no worries, I won't turn it into a quiz-whore land again.) I really should redo the quiz again.
1 of the reasons why I did start blogging again (other than some people wanting to see my mind works, or just you know, cos I'm only good for a few laughs on a bad day) is also cos I should stop blogging on Kak's (linky link!) blog's comments, or Grace's for that matter. Hmz. I wonder how I should name people. Kak's kak and Pete's the Catholic War Machine. I should stick to something. Guys, do tell me how to name y'all. Sam's Sam. It's not me loving Azuresque, it's loving you. So there. You have no say, Bwahaha and all that jazz. (Ok you do. Please spare me.)
You know what's wrong with Quizallas? That they can be extremely wrong too. If they're right, I still subscribe to my belief that it's only because that the "description" is so generic that, well, I'd fit into almost every description. Or is it just me being generic?
Kak (linky.... argh nevermind) mentioned Gene Rottenberry's Star Trek (is that how you spell it?) in reply to my blog below... Something I haven't really watched. (1 episode of DS9 and Deep Contact I think. Deep Contact? First Contact.). But suffice to say, yeah, inasmuch as I don't understand it much, and probably hasn't done much for humanity as a whole (other than create Galaxy Quest, for that, Gene, I salute you) it's still the same. Don't you freaks understand? You're raping our collective conciousness by giving up crap and pretending to stay true to it. Stop pretending. I remember somebody mentioning how you could make each FF seem like a rehash of previous storylines, and he's right. But at least the girls are pretty, and I'm not really bothered cos I don't console game. I wish they'd port ICO over tho.
It's not that all sequals are bad (like I mentioned I think). I mean, LOTR is FANTASTIC and only gets stronger (LOTR TODAY!!!!!!!). But that's because it was filmed that way. Just because the way you write leaves room for more money making adventures means you go ahead and do such things. If anything, you much just show how inadequet you are, like the Wachowskis. Let's look at Monkey Island (ignoring MI3 which was like making Guybrush rape LeChuck). MI2, barring the MOST STUPID ENDING EVER, was a great improvement over MI1, while keeping true to the classic. MI3 (ok I had to mention it) tried to explain away the ending... but... suck is suck, and explaining suck in more suck is even worse suck. MI4... well... if you press the shift key while pressing 4 you get $... so... errr... it's better than MI3. Kinda a return, but just... lacking that bit of something. Fallout 2 seemed better than Fallout1, and Baldur's gate by general consensus was improved by it's sequel. Of course, we have expansion packs doing better than the original, like what I hear about Hordes of the Underdark (Underdark... could very well be describing my armpits). It can be good. But you know why? Cos people are dedicated to it, and properly too. And usually it's the same crew working on it, so... you know, it tends to be of the same vein. It's not like some game company buying the rights for some X-com sequel and then deciding to churn out derivative shit. If I wanted derivative shit I'd play the games I've played before again.
Pete: I don't care if it's pretty "dull and boring". As long as it's pretty. Seriously. I visit all the time. And I just wish to read more, for I don't totally know the guy I've known for so long. So, in a sense, inasmuch as "read my blog to find out about me" is kinda a crappy idea, but it happens. So... everytime a week goes by with no updates I get really worried.
The problem about self-depreciation, in my opinion (it's all my opinion here I think) is that when it happens, unless for humour, happens to be just tasteless or have no reason. I'm serious. I mean, I know I'm not perfect, and I know everybody isn't perfect (and some are less perfect than others like Bush) but that's what makes us human. The moment I see someone I know who can do so much better or has so much potential just deride themselves it just irritates me to no end. I might do that too, sure, but well it just puts me off. So there. One thing I've said to myself is to always have confidence, and never fear. Never ever fear. (Other than those damn flying insects). Sam climbed a mountain! I am so proud of you. There is so much you can do as long as you have faith. (And a bath later, apparently.)
There's so much of our dire past that we can dislike and hate. There's so much that feels like fingernails on chalkboard. That makes you just crings or just kill yourself. Maybe suicide is just painless. But I'm glad to see... that well, there's just so much love out there for you, tho it may not be apparent, that just makes you raise your head and move on. Of course, your thoughts keep coming back. Suicide is painless, but only to you (of course you could always choose to slowly bleed yourself to death and that might get mighty painful especially if you decide to do it via papercuts). Right on, pete. Right on.
One more thing I'd like to add: Osten. Why did he quit? Cos that's what his job is. He's a equity trade manager. So what does that mean? He cuts his losses. So basically he's just doing his job. Can't really blame the guy. Who told me this? My mom. She's so smart. :)
Sam's back! And LOTR today! Woot!