kakita *module sadness* says:
but french box office hits might not be very popular
if jack is anything to go by
Direcow *I am Ronin!* says:
jack isn't actually popular opinion.
neither is most of us
Direcow *I am Ronin!* says:
ze problem i forsee is ze people who want to take ze day off and zen have ze super long weekend
kakita *module sadness* says:
i zee
Direcow *I am Ronin!* says:
good. my english eez not veree... what is ze word? good, non?
kakita *module sadness* says:
Direcow *I am Ronin!* says:
i used good two times? it is funny! I laugh! Haha! Haha!
kakita *module sadness* says:
eet eez... ow do youu zay.... acceptable. ho ho ho! zat is vehri funny.
Direcow *I am Ronin!* says:
what time shall be ze movie?
kakita *module sadness* says:
i must remembair to tell my pouddle ze funny joke.
eh.... four? oui?
Direcow *I am Ronin!* says:
ah? you pouddle? Hoho! Eet eez... very merriment, non?
Oui. That eez a good timing, yes? We shall then be... what eez the word again? Accompaniment? Non... non... ah, meeting?
kakita *module sadness* says:
le jouke! hoho! hoho!
ze word... what eez eet.... accompanie! yes.
Direcow *I am Ronin!* says:
I see zere iz ze four timings? Perhaps eet ez earlee, good?
kakita *module sadness* says:
eh? Pahrdon, my english.... eet iz not vehry.... useful? excellency? ow do you say?
Direcow *I am Ronin!* says:
kakita *module sadness* says:
nyet. ya koshka
Direcow *I am Ronin!* says:
You bloody pussy you. I'll have you strung up and force fed with liqour!
Direcow *I am Ronin!* says:
But yah, back wid de qveshun yah?
Direcow *I am Ronin!* says:
Woulda too or da for timing be better, yah?
dys says:
ze idea, eet ees pretty goot. our francais, it can be improved zat vay.
And so the story goes.
In other news: If anybody sends me a "Merry Christmas" SMS from a number I don't know, I shall be replying with: "Merry Christmas to you too, kind stranger." You know, just in case I might know the person. Tell me if you know of any such incidents so I can place a name to the number. I've had enough of weird random wishes of merriment, good as it might be. (Marry Christmas! This is a special multiple post day!)

You know so much about the nightmare before
christmas. You must research and study it as
much as I do. I have loved this movie since I
was a kid and studied it very hard.
Congratulations.Please Please Please vote for
my quiz.
XxThe Best and Most Challenging Quiz of The Nightmare Before ChristmasxX brought to you by Quizilla
And of course, interesting how I've never watched it (in it's entirety) before... Probably caught 20 mins.