Friday, December 19
Maybe I've just been going out a little too much the past few days. There's now this sense of impending doom and total unsettledness that lies deep within me, ready to burst out with it's tendrils of tenacity and then do stuff.

One thing for sure is probably the impending doom coming from 2 directions, and dire directions they be. Basically my bad grades. And of course, my lousy coding. Both of which are entirely pertinent right now.

One way to fix things, of course, it to try to NEVER EVER take a module in which I have to do alone. It just really sucks. I mean, sure you don't have any distractions, but with my mind, there's distraction enough as it is. I need somebody to release a stray thought once in a while so that I can continue to concentrate on the task at hand. Of course, there's the exception to the rule, a great one at that, Film and History, but look at Japanese (totally, UTTERLY alone), and of course Biochem and Genetics (of which I had 2 people in there I knew before entering NS.. maybe more, but basically 2 that'd I'd even care vaguely about). It is very very lonely, and I don't mix well with humans. Call me a wuss, for example, but that's just probably displaying the facts right there, that I just don't hang well. I hang vaguely well, which kinda tricks people and then me, and then, of course, they go back to whatever people they can call friends while I grapple to stay awake. Thank goodness for Film and History. Maybe I should go into movies in one way or another.


Coding, coding coding. I can barely HTML to save my life nowadays (header or title first? wait.... or is the title in the head?.....) and then of course I have this whole php project where I know creatively steal code from everywhere. It's quite a learning experience, and I'm already doing better than my last project. But I think I'm better off thinking of what needs to be done than actually doing it (from years of practise). Ah well, but it's back to work for it. I have to keep driving, and also return my php book which I currently deem: useless.

So what did I do after getting really depressed and a little bit sick of coding? I went to sleep and had a funky dream. Not that I planned to (I planned to get a good rest) but that's what happened. Something along the lines of a haunted mansion of sorts, interestingly. Maybe my trip to penang affected me in ways I never knew. Damn you, Eddie Murphy! But seriously tho, it's interesting to see how, when you're called upon to help your sister or find you sister or something, you come accross a room you know is haunted, and is a little dark, and has your sister inside. Before the dead infidels take your sister away (and make your dream a labryinth clone) of course your sister has to taunt you to come in, and of course you realise you've been here before, only in another dream (I'm serious, for I remember remarking that hey I've dreamed this room before so why am I dreaming it again?). So you go in, see an old lady pop up from behind the wallpaper behind the bed of which appears empty. The old lady happens to look pixelated too, as if when she's stretching the wallpaper from beneath they didn't have enough money to get a higher resolution texture for the wall. Anyway there was movement on the couch on the far side of the room, of which I was going to check out and LO AND BEHOLD! My sis pops out from underneath the sheets on the bed. Then I'm joined with my cousins (somehow) and we proceed to see a dark shadow at the window during each lightning strike (sorry I do not know how to spell shillouette) and then we see the evil pale looking rastafarian of doom just peeking out next to the pixel pushing lady of bad textures. The couch has disappeared, replaced by the wall where the window is. So my cousin walks around, the rastafarian tried to grab her (and possibly infect her with the dreaded dreadlocks) but I manage to grab her back, fight with great strength the titanic tug of war, win and then wake up.

Which means it's back to work.

"Only in the WWF could a wrestler turn heel via iambic pentameter!"
From the wrestlecrap mailbag page. I found this really funny, really. The mention of the number 313 in it as "a mechanical reference to a leaning object" is also hilarious in itself.

Good stuff, that.



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