take a look at this.
Cliky cliky!
And then cry. Sob quietly.
For it has already been cancelled.
FUCK YOU INTERPLAY. By gamers for gamers? When I first saw that tagline and played fallout I was totally entranced. It seemed like everything that tagline meant came true. It was awesome to say the least.
Damn you interplay. Sometimes I just feel very betrayed by cancelled games you wait forever to come out. I mean, yeah, it happens or the time. But 2 examples strike me: this and Full Throttle 2. I mean, yeah, knock 3d-ness. Say that 2d to 3d conversions may never work out totally (look at Duke Nukem 3d, then look at Warcraft III). But you know what? I don't frickin care whether it's in 2d or 3d. If the effects are better, good, sure, fine, choose a good dimension to have it on, but the most important: Story. Or at least staying true to it.
Perhaps what leads to a even higher sense of betrayal is basically VERY CRAPPY STORY. That's when you feel really cheated. That's when they take the characters you've known and revisitied and really grown to love so much that you begin to know how to think in their shows, how to fight like a cow, or even know the stark differences between your world and theirs (2 adventure game references right there). I mean, seriously, for Full Throttle, I can understand the apprehension that a different crew is working on it, but the same arguement goes for Sam and Max 2. Steve Purcell... what? If he's in, he's just an advisor. Dammit people, do it properly. Don't try to cheat us and milk our money all because you know we'll buy it no matter what. You ain't the Wachowski's. You aren't George Lucas. But somehow everybody just wants to be like them. Don't get me started on Larry Lovage and Al Lowe. You can't call it LSL anymore. It's not the same. It might be a small difference to you, and "we'll try to stay close to the spirit of the game". But you're digging your own grave. Do it badly and bye bye bye.
It's interesting how sometimes people who weren't directly involved in the project, and only later managed to enjoy it as a finished product somehow become the only ones who know what "it's meant to be". To know what is meant and not meant to be. I'm quite sure the uproar at monkey island 3 was rather big... it was totally different from the first 2 installments already, and personally I didn't really like it. The humour was missing, and the designs felt wrong. No matter how many rubber tree competitions it had, well, it wouldn't make it right. Not quite. Still at least there's a nice easter egg to "reward" the fans who would otherwise possible feel even more cheated. It's not the same as the Duke Nukem jump from 2 to 3d, for there at least we know it's just a wham bam anyway, and I'm quite sure some people just loved walking up to the strippers and giving them money to see pixellated boobies. Whatever rocks their boat. I was definiately more pissed off from duke 1 to 2, when Duke became this egotistiacal maniac on top of being a world saver. I hated that.
Sometimes I doubt Lucasarts knows what an adventure game is anymore. Well, at least we have KOTOR.
We've seen what Lucas has done to the prequels of Star Wars (you aimed at the wrong demographic you idiot) or the Wachowskis with the wonderful world they grew (you ran out of influences to pick up on didn't you?)... I shudder to think what might happen to the Indiana Jones 4. And I shudder to think what might happen if they touch Commander Keen or who knows? Reader Rabbit. For every good movie or game there just has to be some bad sequel right? Seems to be the rule of thumb... Legally Blonde 2 for one example.
I wish they'll do more of the X-men 2 kinda stuff. Give us something to really mark out for, not just pretty graphics or the fact that it's going to be released. Give us something solid. Please.
And stop cancelling our dreams.
Fuck you Interplay. By Businessmen for NooBs.