Wednesday, December 31
Taking Your Hammer to My Heart

It's been a pleasure, to say the least. It's been nice knowing you, feeling you out, watching our lives together make a quick twist and a fast turn. I can't believe how many times I was caught by surprise, and then had to wear a big grin on my face all because of how clever you were. I couldn't have been less prepared, but there I was, stunned, jawa agape.

At no point did I feel really bored with you. Sure, there were moments, at which things got draggy, and I felt whatever I did didn't matter at all. Sometimes I wasn't sure if what I was doing - or not doing - would have made a great change to how things are right now. I spent my nights awake, wondering what if I had walked a different path, or just tried to do something different. It is with much regret that I in the end resorted to doing the most cliche of things, wondering if I was betraying what I set out to do, or not. Maybe I shouldn't have depended so much on what was to come, knowing you'd bring me there, but instead tried to forge my own path, whether you could help it or not. Fight the cliche.

But of course, there was only so much fighting to be done before the silence descended. It is a sudden emptiness, where the great crescendos fall, the choir muted. But the period right before that, where the music sang one of the greatests songs on earth, when I felt so great, but also a bit saddened. That things had come to an end. That I had to quit.

Maybe I'll come back to you again someday. But for now, you'll rest in the corner, snugly. Tight in my memories, tight in the cd-sleeve. Tales of dark jedi and money-grubbing Hutts never grow old, and hopefully, neither will this story. Those who do want to play it, however, can always borrow it from me. I only need reminding.

Happy New Year everybody. Many more to come. Stick around.



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