Tuesday, January 13
Living in the Second Story
Ok, I've decided to not tack on any more edits on the poor little post below, it's going to get lost.

It's time for celebration. Unlike last semester (of which I blame Japanese), I've managed to get the first 4 choices for my tutorials. Yay! What a stroke of luck. Which also means most of my tutorials will be with people I know, so there ya go, a less lonely (during school hours) me. And of course... I don't think I chose the very popular timeslots this time.

But it also leaves me a 3 hour break on thursdays. :/ But that couldn't be helped, rushing from science to arts would have been killer, and I've done it more than enough last sem, so no more for me, thank you very much. And it also means Tuesdays free! Woot!

Not a very inflective post, but who gives a damn.



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