Tuesday, January 6
The Picture Perfect Paradox
Home, once again, on a school day. But of course, that's not to say I have no school, rather, I just have no lessons today. That's going to change tho. Tutorials are coming, and philo has a rather interesting nuts and bolts thing... which I may or may not go for. That depends.

Been, of course, trying to read my reading, and if I get what they imply correctly, actually mean I have to read them to have a semblance of a passing mark. At least. I'm somehow stuck between printing out the entire reason and persuasion right now, or buying it from the co-op, which should be cheaper, but might take time. And I like my paper. I'll think about it as I mull over Plato's Euthryphro. Fine reading indeed, I hope. It's really interesting to be reading things I'd thought I'd never be reading: Plato (philosophy in general) and Jane Austen (chick lit in general). Don't get your arms up, I'm sure Jane Austen did something for women's liberation, but I don't really care. That, and philosophy is really too... difficult for me. I'm not sure there's a point anyway, all this philosophising when you could be better off reading comics or playing football or just listening to good music. Why think so hard? Were the Greeks so free as to be inclined to think about stuff? Philosophy is lost on me. Maybe I'm just too much of a jock, you know?

I'm not sure where my point is leading tho. Except for the fact that yes, I have found the gatsby adverts online, it took me only 5 mins. But it took another half an hour watching through all of them, and remember, downloading them might be a problem unless you have the requisite software. Viewing is also a problem unless you have quicktime, of which not all the adverts are converted to, and wmp, which I believe sucks (the net backs me up) and hence I don't have. One thing for sure is that I cannot believe that they even have storyboards for your viewing pleasure. The ads, by themselves, are pure insanity at the very least.

Oh, and they're in Japanese. Nobody's singing "clap your hair" in a language most of us understand.

I think I'll go cycling once more, today, to clear my mind. It's really windy, which is a good thing... as I mentioned, that's what it's all about. That odd semblance of freedom.

Speaking of other blogs (about 2 blogs ago), I was visiting another one, from some person I've known, not very well, for quite a bit of time. I've roomed with that person before, for a short while, but that was it. Of course, you, being the person, should know who I'm talking about, but I think you don't read over here, so I can say what I want, and furthermore, it's my enemies I'm making, so it's my perogative. But basically whatever has been happening has been interesting at least, and I'm glad to have a bit part in the general stupidity of it all. Happy stupid.

Just wondering: when I was doing my KOTOR blog, (a) what did Peter think I was talking about and (b) Didn't you all catch the very very stupid hint that would actually reveal what the blog was about without reading the end of it?

Thinking: If you want to blog, however, always, always, just write. Maybe take some time to formulate those words, but the moment you start censoring, then you'd better be prepared, cos that's the way it's gonna be from then on. Don't regret it later. I feel great odium and disgust when somebody whines about how their blog isn't what they wanted it to be. Don't be a dumbass. You made it that way. Unless you have utterly no control over cognizant thought, then I BLAME YOU. So don't be silly. If you wanted to write, write. Write unabashedly, if that serves your purpose. Occlude the truth if THAT serves your purpose. Pretend to be somebody else if you so want to. Don't regret it later. Do not ever feel pressured to write because people are clamouring for an update... that just dilutes things. If you don't update, maybe there's good reason "readers" don't know about you know. Of course, since I don't always practise what I preach, I will tend to bug anyway. Sometimes I worry that people gone incommunicado have actually died.

I think I'm done thinking.



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